The Airports Commission set out in its ‘Introductory Note’ on the inner Thames Estuary feasibility studies that it would publish the study outputs in early July 2014. Following consultation on the draft terms of reference, the final terms of reference for each of the studies were published in March 2014.

Consultees were also invited to submit comments and evidence against the terms of reference by 23 May 2014. A total of just over 170 responses were received, of which around 44 were ‘technical’ and 127 ‘non-technical.’ All of the technical responses are available on the Commission’s website.

Both the Commission and its consultants have reviewed comments and evidence submitted as part of the consultation on the draft terms of reference and the call for evidence, and either incorporated or referenced such evidence in the studies where relevant and appropriate.

The Commission has published its studies to enable parties to submit views on the outcomes of the studies before a decision is made on whether to short-list the inner Thames Estuary for phase 2.

The Commission is particularly inviting views in relation to two specific questions:

  • Is there information in the studies which is factually inaccurate?
  • Is there any new information or evidence that you wish the Commission to consider before it makes its decision?

Comments and evidence responding to the specific questions set out above should be sent to [email protected] by 5pm on Friday 8 August 2014.

Full documentation and details can be found here on the Commission’s website.