Discussion paper 07: Delivering new runway capacity
The Airports Commission has published a report, ‘Discussion Paper 7: delivery of a new runway’. This discussion paper calls for evidence on issues which the Airports Commission has identified as being of interest to the delivery of new runway capacity.
In its Interim Report, published in December 2013, the Airports Commission short-listed three proposals at Heathrow and Gatwick that it believes are credible options to deliver the necessary one net additional runway by 2030 and set out how it would undertake further work on options in the inner Thames Estuary on the Hoo peninsula.
Under its Terms of Reference, the Commission has also been asked to make recommendations for how the need for any new capacity can be met as expeditiously as practicable within the required timescale. This paper sets out some of the areas that the Commission will review in considering how any of the options for new capacity could be so delivered.
The Commission has yet to reach a conclusion on what its final recommendations for addressing capacity concerns will be. This paper does not pre-empt that process, but considers a range of possible delivery issues that might apply.
This paper is not intended to set out firm conclusions in any area, but to prompt discussion and to invite comments and feedback that will aid the Commission in taking this work forward.
The final date for submissions to the Commission on this paper is the 15 August 2014.