On Monday 17 March 2014, Professor Ricky Burdett (on behalf of the Airports Commission) chaired two seminars with key stakeholders. The seminars were an opportunity to meet Professor Burdett and members of the Airports Commission secretariat, and to broaden understanding of important issues covered by the Commission’s Interim Report. Members of the secretariat gave presentations on the following issues: short and medium term option recommendations; use of scenario testing to inform our view of future demand; assessment of airline operating models; position on a potential 2nd additional runway; conclusion there is no immediate connectivity crisis; and framework for appraising the shortlisted options for additional runway capacity.
These presentations are available below, followed by notes from the event.
No Connectivity Crisis Today (David Elvy, Airports Commission Secretariat)
Why do airport’s forecasts differ from ours
Making the best use of existing capacity (Oliver Mulvey, Airports Commission Secretariat)
Airline business models (Jagoda Egeland, Airports Commission Secretariat)
Second Net Additional Runway- four questions* (Katy Grundy, Airports Commission Secretariat)
Phase 1 Long Term Options in numbers (Eirik Pitkethley, Airports Commission Secretariat)
How much and what kind of aviation capacity in the future (Jagoda Egeland, Airports Commission Secretariat)
Chair Closing Statement Process Slide* (Professor Ricky Burdett, Airports Commission)
Airports Commission seminar notes
(* Presentations include speaker notes.)