The following reports are all of the 52 submissions to the Airports Commision as proposals for Long term options for additional UK airport capacity. Each option below is followed in brackets by the submitter.
Birmingham Airport (Birmingham Airport)
Cardiff Airport (Western Gateway Group)
Cliffe (London Medway Airport)
Dispersed London Hub (Imperial College)
Dispersed London Hub (Kent County Council)
Drive Through Airport, DTA (Büro für MEHR)
Fairoaks Airport (Fairoaks Airport)
Gatwick & Lydd Airport (Private Individual)
Gatwick Airport (Gatwick Airport)
Goodwin Airport, Goodwin Sands (Becket Rankine Architects)
Heathrow & Stansted Airport (Private Individual)
Heathrow Airport (Heathrow Airport Ltd.) Additional information about the Heathrow Airport Ltd. submission can be found here.
Heathrow Airport (Aras Global)
Heathrow Airport (Centre for Policy Studies)
Heathrow Airport (Policy Exchange)
Heathrow Airport (Private Individual)
Heathrow Airport (Private Individual2)
Hub airports (Private Indivdual)
Hub City London (Grimshaw Architects)
Isle of Grain (Transport for London)
London Britannia Airport, Outer Thames Estuary (TESTRAD Consortium)
‘London East’ (Private individual)
London Gateway Airport Cliffe (International Aviation Advisory Group)
Luton Airport (Weston Williamson and Partners)
Manston Airport (Infratil Airports Europe)
Maplin Sands (Private individual)
Outer Thames Estuary (Transport for London)
Oxfordshire (Pleiade Associates)
RAF Croughton& Steventon (Progressive Aviation Group)
Severn Estuary (MSP Solutions)
Severn Estuary (Private Individual)
Stansted Airport (Avery Associates)
Stansted Airport (First Class Partnership)
Stansted Airport (Manchester Airports Group)
Stansted Airport (MSP Solutions)
Stansted Airport (Transport for London)
Surface access (Interlinking Transit Solutions)
Stansted Airport (MAKE Architects)
Surface access (Private Individual)
Surface access (Private Indivdual 2)
Surface access (Quaestus Poppleton)
Surface access (Greengauge 21)
Surface access Universal Hub (Private Individual)
Thames Hub Airport (Foster Partners)
Various options (Richmond Heathrow Campaign)
Walland Marsh (Private Individual)