PDF Icon House of Commons Transport Select Committee: Flight time limitations – Follow up

In July 2013, Member States of the European Union voted in support of a draft proposal on flight time limitations by the European Commission. This triggered a three-month scrutiny of the new draft regulation. As part of the process for UK parliamentary scrutiny of the EU proposals, the European Scrutiny Committee referred the draft regulation to the House of Commons Transport Select Committee for opinion.

This report is a presentation of their scrutiny. In the report the Committee state that the Commission’s draft regulation represents an improvement on the EASA proposal, but have expressed concerns over several areas, including operator responsibilities, the limit for flight duty periods at night, the effective use of scientific evidence in rule-making and the arrangements for oversight and active management of the new regime.

The Committee recommends that the European Scrutiny Committee request that the European Commission address the matters they have raised in this report, including ensuring effective monitoring of the new flight time regulation. They also recommend that the European Scrutiny Committee requests the European Commission provide an assessment of the regulation two years after its implementation.