Heathrow Airport long term hub capacity options (supplementary submission to the Airports Commission)
This report has been written and published by Heathrow Airport Ltd. as part of their submission to the Airports Commission, aimed at addressing issues of long-term aviation capacity in the UK.
In it, the authors outline in more detail the three options for adding runway capacity which they submitted to the commission. These options are in the three geographical locations at Heathrow where the authors believe a third runway is feasible: to the north, to the north-west, and to the south-west of the existing site. The report does not provide an option to the south or east as they believe the scale of impact on residential property in these areas would not be sustainable. This document is intended to be read in the context of the following Heathrow Airport Ltd. publications:
One Hub or None (Nov 2012)
A Quieter Heathrow (May 2013)
Best placed for Britain (Jun 2013)
The authors state that their proposals are in outline form only and further work would be needed, including with local authorities and their local communities, to develop these plans if they are short-listed by the Commission.