Phil Graham, Head of Airports Commission Secretariat ([email protected])

Jagoda Sumicka, Connectivity ([email protected])

Ed Pertwee, Climate Change and Interim Report ([email protected])

Erick Pitkethly, Long-Term Options Policy ([email protected])

Brian Zackon, Long-Term Options Assessment ([email protected])

Oliver Mulvey, Short-Term Options Policy ([email protected])

Jon Franklin, Economic Advice and Modelling ([email protected])

Jonny Saks, Analysis and Appraisal ([email protected])

Jillian Spindura, Programme Sponsor ([email protected])

David Elvy, Communications Manager ([email protected])

The generic contact email address for The Commission is: [email protected].

The Airports  Commission website can be found here. This includes details of the management.

The Airports Commission are also now using Twitter which provides reminders and updates on the Commission’s work: