18 October 2010

Air traffic service provider, NATS, has published its September 2010 figures for UK air traffic, showing a 0.3% decline in air traffic movement compared to September 2009. This is the smallest year on year decline since the global aviation downturn began in July 2008.

 Air traffic in Europe was affected by two periods of industrial action in France, an air traffic control strike in Belgium and a general strike in Spain during September 2010. There was positive growth in the transatlantic arrivals/departures of 4% and in the transatlantic overflights of 6.3%. Traffic at the airports served by NATS decreased by 1.3% in the month compared to September 2009.

 Traffic at Farnborough increased by 9.6%, Heathrow by 5% and Southampton by 3.6% with Aberdeen by 0.8% and Bristol by 0.1%; these were the only airports across the UK to see increases in air traffic.
