This conference is jointly organised and promoted by the Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) ‘Greener by Design’ group and the RAeS/IMechE (Institution of Mechanical Engineers) Combined Propulsion Technical Activity Committee.
The conference will address minimisation of the environmental impacts of air travel, which is recognised as essential if the sector is to survive and prosper in the medium- to long-term. A key element is clearly the aircraft propulsion system, where the conversion of chemical energy to kinetic energy takes place. The European Commission (EC) has part-funded a number of Technology Demonstration Programmes aimed at improving the efficiency of aircraft propulsion. This conference will review the VITAL, DREAM and NEWAC programmes from the EC Framework 6 and Framework 7 programmes.
The conference will also tie-in the broader concerns surrounding the development and use of biofuels. Are they likely to be the effective mitigator of aviation’s environmental impacts? What will be the economic and technological drivers for their adoption? Can they be produced sustainably and in the necessary quantities?
The conference will consider how best to incentivise industry to invest in and develop technologies needed to continue – or accelerate – the progress already made in reducing the environmental impact of aircraft propulsion. What is the role of Government and regulation?
Delegate rates start from £195. Please register on the RAeS site for full details of delegate rates.
Venue: Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) HQ, No.4 Hamilton Place, London, W1J 7BQ