How We Can Help

SASIG, through its Executive and members, has a wealth of knowledge and experience that can be shared by the SASIG Community and wider audience to help support those involved with aviation, planning, infrastructure, social and economic development.

We lead on sustainable aviation policy and can help both influence the direction of travel and engage in local issues through our representative presence.


SASIG can help by:

  • Making use of the practical experience of members for the strategic and tactical handling of proposals for airport development, infrastructure integration and airspace change (e.g the policy and application process relating to aviation, insight into commercial drivers, where to find external expertise, benchmarks and precedent and guidance regarding the issues and practices to look out for).
  • Maintaining awareness of the key policy and commercial developments in the aviation sector and giving access to industry specific knowledge, expertise and insight.
  • Delivering advice on important consultations and creating the opportunity to discuss, share and collaborate on responses.
  • Providing a repository of relevant research, policy and best practice guidance information to inform committee reports and policy positions relating to individual or geographical clusters of authorities.
  • Creating the opportunity for members and officers to hear from, hold meetings with, or attend networking events with key policy makers (up to and including Ministers), regulators and industry representatives.
  • Being a source of sustainable aviation development policies, application conditions or reasons for refusal reasons, and CIF, S106 and environmental monitoring scheme that are tried and tested and replicable.
  • Creating opportunities for networking with fellow specialist practitioners and for continuing professional development.