The Airports Commission have published a series of reports under the heading – ‘Additional airport capacity: strategic fit analysis’. This is a strategic fit analysis of the Airports Commission’s short-listed options for additional airport capacity.

These reports support the strategic fit analysis in the consultation on the Airport Commission’s short-listed options for additional airport capacity.

The Airports Commission’s ‘Forecasts’ report sets out the methodology, assumptions and results of the commission’s forecasting of aviation demand. It includes a description of the various scenarios modelled and the differences between them. The ‘Expanding airport capacity: competition and connectivity’ report was produced by consultants (ITF/SEO). It assesses how airlines could respond across a range of different global scenarios to expanding runway capacity at either Gatwick or Heathrow.

It considers the potential connectivity and competition impacts would be generated by such responses. The Airports Commission’s ‘Fit with wider spatial and socio-economic development strategies’ report looks at the context of each expansion option across plans including: local authority and local enterprise partnership strategies; national frameworks and the London Plan.

The individual documents are available from the Airports Commissions site following the links below:

Cover note


Expanding airport capacity: competition and connectivity

Fit with wider spatial and socio-economic development strategies

Impacts of expanding airport capacity on competition and connectivity