PDF Icon State of the Nation Passenger Transport and Travel 2013

The State of the Nation 2013 Passenger Transport and Travel report is the second report from People 1st into the passenger transport and travel sectors. For the first time the report offers insights into the trends that will influence the sector in coming years. The report analyses labour market trends, skills, education and training within the industry and offers possible solutions to deal with the challenges the sector faces. People 1st’s surveyed more than 1,400 employers from across the UK.

The report’s authors believe that low staff turnover rates are resulting in slower recruitment (seven per cent compared to the all industries average of 16 percent). But with an older than average workforce, the authors also assert that more needs to be done to attract new people and secure the sector’s long-term survival as many employees near state pension retirement age. Other findings from the report include:

  • 31 per cent of the current passenger transport workforce will need to be recruited by 2020 to keep up with replacement demand and future growth.
  • 54 per cent of employers responden that they felt customer handling skills needed to improve.
  • 20 per cent of vacancies were reported as ‘hard-to-fill’.
  • Employers said they felt that new technology (37 per cent) and a lack of staff motivation (43 per cent) were the main contributors to skills gaps.
  • 30 per cent of businesses felt they needed to improve strategic management skills.
  • Theoverall staff turnover rate among respondent businesses was seven per cent in 2012

A summary of the full report and an aviation themed summary is available here.