SASIG response – Changes to the suite of guidance documents for the major infrastructure planning regime consultation

1.  SASIG believe that changes are needed to the procedure delivering mitigation measures and appropriate compensation to communities affected by major infrastructure schemes.

2.  In response to the consultation on changes to the suite of guidance documents related to the major infrastructure planning regime this report identifies several changes to the process which would ensure that mitigation and compensation procedures are comprehensive, appropriate and timely in relation to major infrastructure development.

3.  The following changes to the process have been identified in order contribute to the delivery of a fairer, and more effective procedure that ensures impacts from the planning, construction and operation of major infrastructure are fully accounted for:

  • Compensation and mitigation measures should be agreed at the planning stage
  • Compensation to communities should be paid at the start of the process
  • Assessment of the compensation costs and mitigation measures should be appropriate and effective
  • Where existing major infrastructure already exists, and there is a change in operations, effective consultation so take place and appropriate and effective measures introduced.
  • The impacts of all proposals, including alternative proposals included at the pre-application consultation stage should be calculated and mitigation and compensation measures and costs implemented (if appropriate)  

Please see above for the SASIG consultation response to the SASIG response – Planning Act 2008 : Consultation on proposed changes to the suite of guidance documents for the major infrastructure planning regime published here:
