SASIG response – DfT Developing a sustainable framework for UK aviation: Scoping Document, October 2011 

Please see above for the SASIG consultation response to the DfT National Aviation Policy Review ‘Scoping Document’ published here:

SASIG recognises the importance of the Government’s programme to underpin existing, and secure future, economic growth, and is eager to support that, as appropriate for Local Authorities, across all sectors, of which the aviation industry is one.

The policy review presents the opportunity for practical application of the Government’s renewed sustainable development vision and commitments.

SASIG sees a need for the next stage of this policy review to embrace the broader aim of sustainable development by addressing the following areas:

  • strategic planning;
  • transparent, accepted methodology for calculating economic value;
  • understanding how to capture economic benefits;
  • application of a ‘noise envelope’ to provide reduced noise impacts;
  • improved understanding of the impacts of concentration and disersion of flightpaths;
  • progression towards a ban on night flights where residents are overflown;
  • integration with climate change policy to meet required targets;
  • integration with rail policy;
  • provision and improvement of surface access connections with airports; and
  • support for and development of community involvement.  
