4 & 5 April 2011
2011 is a pivotal year for air quality – the year when the UK will officially announce breaches of European nitrogen dioxide Limit Values. But in a time of unprecedented change for local and national Government, how will air quality management, and the pressing need to comply with European Limit Values, fit into the policy jigsaw of localism, the “Big Society”, public health, climate change and changes to the planning regime?
The 2011 Environmental Protection UK Air Quality Spring Workshop will explore these issues over two days, with a distinct theme each day.
Day one of the event will focus on air quality and public health, with topics covered including opportunities around the recently published Public Health White Paper, and new campaigns in the air quality and public health field.
Day two will focus on air quality and climate change, examining issues such as biomass and the Renewable Heat Incentive, emissions from combined heat and power as well as updates on air quality and climate change within the planning system.
Delegate fee: EPUK members: non-residential £350; residential £440; one-day £175. Non-members: non-residential £470; residential £590; one-day £235.
Venue: Dunchurch Park Hotel, Dunchurch, CV22 6QW.