1 March 2011

The legislative framework within which noise is managed is undergoing rapid and radical change. Environmental Protection UK’s annual spring noise conference aims to look at noise management in the context of developing new policy. In particular, a new strategy for public health in England is out for consultation, which is set to give local government responsibility for health and well being; and the devolution of the planning system will allow citizens to decide how their neighbourhoods look and sound – for example by proposing change of use of buildings for schools.

The programme will include:
Noise and Localism- Noise policy update from government, Opportunities and threats for noise management.

Noise in the Built Environment – Construction noise
Noise in and around schools, Managing noise in neighbourhoods.

Noise and Health – Good practice in assessing health impacts of noise exposure, Noise in the context of the public health white paper.

Delegate fees: EPUK members £175. Non-members £265.

Venue: Hallam Conference Centre, 44 Hallam Street, London, W1W 6JJ