8 November 2010
Tony Baldry (Conservative, Banbury) : Asked the Secretary of State for Transport (1) what the terms of reference were for the report by Arup on the Heathrow link; (2) if he will publish the report by Arup on the Heathrow link in a form which includes maps; and (3) for what reasons his Department has redacted the report by Arup on the Heathrow link.
Philip Hammond (Conservative, Transport Minister): Arup’s report on a Heathrow link and its subsequent submission to the Mawhinney Review were commissioned and prepared independently by Arup. The Department for Transport had no involvement in setting any terms of reference, which the company may have followed in carrying out its work.
The submission to the Mawhinney Review was made in strict confidence and subject to the Department for Transport’s agreement that it would not be published or otherwise made public other than in its redacted form (the redactions having been made by Arup). This is because the material contains detailed information on Arup’s proposals for a Heathrow Hub, which the company has worked up independently, on which it has expended significant resources, and which in its opinion constitutes valuable intellectual property.
Sourced from Dehavilland: www1.dehavilland.co.uk