13 October 2010
This event from Environmental Protection UK aims to look at efficient ways forward for noise management – through forward planning, thoughtful design and joined up working. The event will also have an update from the new government on emerging policy on noise.
Topics covered include:
Noise management in context
- affordable monitoring – the National Physical Laboratory will give an overview of the applications for affordable monitoring;
- noise and planning – Local Government Regulation (formerly LACORS) will look at improving efficiency through inter disciplinary links; and
- Policy update.
City sounds
- quieter deliveries – latest trials update;
- construction noise; and
- noise in neighbourhood.
Noise and new technology
- electric vehicles – are they too quiet?
- renewable energy – locations, efficient generation and noise.
Discussion will be central to the event, giving delegates the opportunity to quiz expert speakers and discuss current issues and ways forward with colleagues.
Noise update is aimed to inform: Noise Specialists in Local Authorities, Noise Consultants, Planners, Elected Members representing noise sufferers – Policy makers.
Venue: Conference Aston, Aston Triangle, Birmingham, B4 7ET
Delegate rates: Environmental Protection UK Members:
- 1st delegate £175.
- additional delegates £125.
Non Members:
- 1st delegate £265.
- additional delegates £175.