The SASIG membership has agreed a set of policy principles that guide the group’s representation, and inform the group’s work.

The adoption of these principles would yield an improved national aviation policy that:
• is based on the need to control the impacts rather than the aviation activity.
• has considered in detail all options for providing capacity to meet forecast demand, and for providing for other, lower levels of demand.
• embraces the concept of integrated transport provision.
• audits the parameters that should be used in any forecasts of future demand.
• adopts an assessment process for aviation developments that explicitly includes all associated costs.
• sets effective environmental limits for the aviation industry to meet, taking the appropriate form – regulation, charges, taxes, etc.
• considers and mitigates against the impact of greenhouse gas emissions.
• develops the economic analysis of aviation, and in particular improves valuation of the net impact – benefits and disbenefits.
• coordinates with other transport policies and with other associated national policies, such as climate change, and energy policies.

SASIG strongly urges that Government address the need for a new national aviation policy.

SASIG Policy Principles & Statement, June 2010
